Welcome to Our Web Blog

The wonderful stories of being the retards that we are!

~Dev and Steph

For New Years, which best describes your weight-loss resolutions, if any?


The Newlywed 30.

Hey everyone. Yes, we are starting the blog again. It's not that we ever started to begin with, but it's nice to have something to blog about every now and again.

For whatever reason, when two people are married, it seems those two people tend to gain weight. Most contribute this to the fact that the new couple is eating three solid meals a day and exercising less, which is much different from the single lifestyle where you ate a Powerbar twice a day and ran or biked everywhere you went. So, as biology would have it, with an increase of caloric intake and a decrease in caloric burn-off, the couple tends to get fat in the first year.

Steph and I sat down the other day and assessed what caused our weight gain. It's not like we're ugly-fat, but we do have some pounds to shed. Considering most of our meals are homemade--even down to the bread--we discovered it wasn't our eating habits in regards to the meals that needed improving.

It's baking. For me personally, baking may some day be my death.

Coming from largish families with nieces and nephews, whenever family togetherness happens, it normally happens around lots of food. So if we are asked (or volunteer) to bring dessert and/or something else that is sweet, we normally bring two or three batches of it. The leftovers get sent home with us, and I eat the rest. Another trap is when we have company over. One batch of molasses cookies ends up being more than 4 adults need. So again, there remain plenty, and I eat the rest.

These awful eating habits have ruined all the work Steph and I both exerted earlier this year to lose weight before our wedding. Now that we've been married for nearly seven months, apparently we need to start again. :(

The goal starts today. We figured we could be like half the US and set a New Years resolution about it, but we're starting early. We figure if we even maintain our weight throughout the month of December and successfully battle off the comfort food, pie, and other delights, we'll be okay. Until January 1st, we're hoping to minimize blimpage. And if we end up shedding a pound of two while doing it, that is just fine, too.